
宮城県塩釜市出身 東京都在住
2005年 University of Arts London Camberwell College MA Printmaking 卒業。

MAYUMI ARAKAWA is a book and paper artist based in Tokyo. After graduating from University of Arts London Camberwell College MA in Printmaking, she was awarded The Shepherds Falkiner Fine Papers Prize in the Bookbinding Competition. Her work is exhibited both abroad and Japan.

2006年 The Shepherds Falkiner Fine Papers Prize(The Bookbinding Competition)受賞
2005年 Hewlett-Packard Memory Stick Prize(Centre For Fone Print Research)受賞

2009年 言の葉ドロップス~版画とアーティストブック~(文房堂ギャラリー, Tokyo,Japan)
2006年 The Secret Garden-in between- (The Stable Gallery, London,UK)
2013年 Artist’s Book Exhibition (Gallery Katariina, Helshinki,Finland)
The 4th Sheffield International Artist’s Book Prize Exhibition (Bank Street Arts, Sheffield,UK)
The Society of Bookbinders International Competition (Warwick University, UK)
2012年 Turn the Page 2012 artist book fair (Forum, Norwich)
6th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius (Gallery Titanikas, Vilnius,Lithuania)
2011年 3rd Sheffield International Artist’s Book Prize Exhibition (Bank Street Arts, Sheffiled,UK)
The Society of Bookbinders International Competition (Warwick University, UK)
2009年 5th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius (Gallery Arca,Vilunius,Lithuania)
2nd Sheffield International Artist’s Book Prize Exhibition (Bank Street Arts, Sheffiled,UK)
2008年 Aberfeldy Artist’s Book Festival(The Temple Gallery, Scotland)
2007年 9x9(青山スパイラルギャラリー,Tokyo, Japan)
4: a summer mix of contemporary prints(Londonprintstudio Gallery, London,UK)
2006年 Artetica Book-Art mail art project (Roma, Italy)
Hot Off The Press (Curwen&New Academy Gallery, London, UK)
Juxta Box (Shoreditch Gallery, London, UK)
2005年 The Second Soul International Book Art Fair(Soul, Korea)
Challenge the Nail 2005 (Salon des Arts, London, UK)