Papercutting workshop for beginners in Ebisu, Tokyo has just finished yesterday.
Thank you for your participation.
It was a sunny warm winter day.
All participants worked so hard trying to make ‘Angel with Stars’, which was good as an ornament in this time of the year, I think.
Here are the examples by me. I gave them two options. One was placing a cut out angel with shingle sheet over a coloured paper, then you can put the work into a flame. Another was one in two coloured sheets tied with ribbon, so that you can hang the paper angel up against the wall.
今回はクリスマス間近ということもあり、冬の間を通して楽しんで頂けるよう星を降らせる天使’Angel with Stars’をモチーフとしてご用意しました。例として次のような2つのオプションをご紹介しました。1つは、切り抜いた天使を支持体の色紙の上に置きフレームなどして飾って頂く方法。もう一つは、オーナメントとしてリボンを付けて飾って頂く方法です。それぞれにご希望の方法を選んで頂いて開始となりました。
What we had in the end of the lesson was shown in the photos below. Some put cut-out stars and letters on the back of the angel. I was glad that they enjoyed working with papers. After all they were satisfied what they have done. Well done, everyone!
After that, we had lunch together in a nice Taiwanese dumpling!
Why don’t you sit and enjoy relaxing by cutting papers during winter holidays?